Sunday, June 1, 2014

The view

I have been inspired by many other great blogs to create one of my own. As a physicist, and a christian, I have views which I would like to express and which are not expressed in other popular blogs. I am not a giant, but may stand on their shoulders. I don't intend this blog primarily as a vehicle of my own ideas, but rather as a place to respond to the ideas of others. Nevertheless, I do intend to use this blog as a component of my scientific outreach.

In particular I take inspiration from Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal where Miles Kimball posts primarily about economics, but also about religion, science and humanities. Additionally, he has guest bloggers whose posts are sometimes even more thought provoking than his. I hope that I also will be joined by friends here, especially on areas where I am less knowledgable such as sciences outside of physics, philosophy, mathematics and religion.

As for me, I am an american, liberal (in politics), christian, experimental physicist. As a freshman student I had the fortune of meeting Freeman Dyson. He gave great advice (in essence that physics is something you do, not something you study) which I did not heed. It was only after I determined that high energy physics theory was not for me, and that what was needed to advance our understanding of the fundamental workings of the universe was experiment, that I really started engaging in research. This was done by first probing nucleons (with electrons) at Jefferson Laboratory and then by looking for signatures of dark matter as member of IceCube at universities in Sweden and Belgium, and now, here in Chile, by once more probing nucleons (this time with neutrinos at Fermilab) and initiating future neutrino experimental programs.

I expect to write at least two posts per week with at least one post about science and mathematics and at least one post about philosophy and religion.

Read Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal at